USDA Reports Record High Soybean Acreage, Corn Acres Down

WASHINGTON, June 30, 2014 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) estimated a record high 84.8 million acres of soybeans planted in the United States for 2014, up 11 percent from last year, according to the Acreage report released today. Corn acres planted is estimated at 91.6 million acres, down 4 percent from last year, representing the lowest planted acreage in the United States since 2010.

Following up to the Prospective Plantings report released in late spring, NASS surveyed approximately 11,000 segments of land and 71,000 producers during the first two weeks of June to gather information on what farmers actually planted. Key findings released in the Acreage report include:

•    Soybean area for harvest is estimated at a record high 84.1 million acres, if realized, up 7.4 million acres (11 percent) from 2013.
•    Record high planted acreage is estimated in Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
•    Ninety-four percent of all planted acres of soybeans in the United States are biotech varieties, up from 93 percent last year.

•    Despite the decrease in corn acreage, the 2014 corn planted area still represents the fifth largest corn acreage in the United States since 1944.
•    Growers expect to harvest 83.8 million acres of corn for grain, down 4 percent from last year.
•    Ninety-three percent of all corn acres planted in the United States are biotech varieties, up from 90 percent in 2013.

All Cotton
•    All cotton planted area for 2014 is estimated at 11.4 million acres, 9 percent above last year.
•    Upland cotton is estimated at 11.2 million acres, up 10 percent from last year.
•    Ninety-six percent of upland cotton planted acres are biotech varieties in the United States, up from 90 percent in 2013.

The Acreage and Grain Stocks reports and all NASS reports are available online at