One of the biggest responsibilities of a beekeeper is understanding the kinds of dangers their hives face. From diseases and pests to environmental influences, there are plenty of factors to consider when creating a safe and healthy apiary for your honey bees. Over the years, researchers have learned a lot about some of the most common threats to bees and their hives.
However, one concern we still have many questions about is Colony Collapse Disorder. Learn everything you should know about Colony Collapse Disorder—including what it is and how you can help prevent it—with this overview.
The History of Colony Collapse Disorder
Colony Collapse Disorder, also known as CCD, is a phenomenon that beekeepers first began to report in the winter of 2006 and 2007. That season saw unusually high rates of hive loss for many beekeepers, with some operations losing up to 90 percent of their hives before spring. Even more confounding is the fact that these hives didn’t simply die out or leave. Instead, the adult workers seemingly abandoned the colony, leaving behind honey reserves, brood, and even the queen.
CCD rates have vastly declined since that first winter, but researchers are still looking for answers about the factors that affected the 2006-2007 season and the exact cause of CCD cases in the following years.
CCD Is Different Than Other Hive Losses
One of the most important things to know about Colony Collapse Disorder is that it stands out from other hive issues. There are several unique factors at play that differentiate CCD from pests, bee stress, and other influences on colony health.
First and foremost, beekeepers that lose hives to CCD rarely find more than a few dead bees around the abandoned colony. With issues such as pests, disease, or pesticide poisoning, examining dead bees is one of the best ways to identify what caused the hive to fail. With CCD, however, the vast majority of the colony’s population simply disappears, leaving beekeepers and researchers with much less evidence to work with.
The abandonment of the hive is also strange for honey bees. Worker bees live to sustain the queen, the brood, and the overall health of the hive. Even in cases of queen death or failure, worker bees will continue serving the hive until the end. Understanding why queens, brood, and honey stores have been abandoned by their worker bee populations is one of the greatest mysteries of CCD.
Potential Causes of CCD
We do not know what exactly causes CCD. However, through ongoing research and analysis, scientists have found several factors that contribute to the risk of sudden colony collapse.
Pesticide Poisoning
One potential cause of CCD is the use of pesticides. Using harmful chemicals on crop fields and gardens keeps pests away, but it also puts pollinators such as honey bees at risk. When they forage on pesticide-treated plants, they bring contaminated pollen and nectar back to the hive, putting the entire colony at risk. Pesticides harm the hive and make it difficult for bees to find proper nutrients in their environment, both of which can contribute to CCD.
However, it is important to note that there’s a difference between pesticides killing a hive and pesticides causing CCD. Acute poisoning from pesticides results in dead bees in and around the hive. With CCD, there are few if any dead bees to be found.
Mites, Parasites, and Diseases
Pests can wreak havoc on a honey bee colony, creating an inhospitable hive and putting the bees at risk. Varroa mites are a common cause of honey bee problems and can contribute to CCD. Other invertebrate pests, including honey bee tracheal mites and small hive beetles, are also a potential cause.
Disease can also play a role. For example, the Israeli Acute Paralysis virus and the gut parasite Nosema are dangerous diseases that might be a risk factor for CCD.
Stress From Poor Bee Management
The way beekeepers care for their honey bees also influences the risk of CCD. Poor management practices cause stress, which affects bee health and productivity. A stressed hive faces challenges with laying, honey production, and more. Mismanagement such as inspecting hives too frequently can harm your bees and put your colony at risk.
Transportation and relocation can also create unnecessary stress for honey bees. Many beekeepers rent their hives to farmers across the country to help with pollination. While this practice can be useful, transporting bees too often or incorrectly harms the colony.
Habitat Changes or Inadequacies
Environmental factors such as habitat changes or inadequate resources are also a potential cause of CCD. Honey bees require safe places to forage, drink water, and rest. If these resources don’t exist around the hive—or if they’re at risk due to predators, climate change, or human interference—then the colony doesn’t get the supplies and nutrients it needs to stay alive.
Preventing CCD
It’s hard to prevent something when you don’t know why it’s happening in the first place. As such, there are no straightforward paths to stopping CCD—at least, not in the way we know how to prevent Varroa mites or treat hive diseases. However, there are still plenty of things beekeepers can do to help prevent CCD and protect honey bee colonies.
Proper Bee Management
Following beekeeping best practices helps make sure bees have everything they need—including the independence they need to keep the hive productive and healthy.
Proper hive setup is one example of this. Make sure your hives are in a good location with protection from wind and rain. Ensure proper ventilation and insulation to help keep the hive healthy.
Other bee management practices include performing inspections on a regular basis without over-inspecting and stressing out your bees. Monitor bee health and treat pests and diseases as necessary. Keep an eye on nutrients and food supplies as well, and supplement with pollen patties and other feed when the hive needs it.
Maintaining Beekeeping Equipment
Maintaining beekeeping equipment is another vital best practice for beekeepers. Always sanitize hive tools, protective clothing, and other gear between uses to prevent cross-contamination. This is even more important when there are symptoms or reports of CCD and other hive issues in your area.
Manage Your Hives With Dadant and Sons
Proper hive management can go a long way toward protecting your honey bee colonies. Dadant and Sons has the equipment you need to maintain healthy hives and bees. Shop our hives for bees online today to find the most solutions equipment for your apiary.