Beekeeping Supplies

For over 160 years Dadant and Sons has produced and sold the best beekeeping supplies & equipment available to beekeepers throughout the world. Whether you’re an experienced beekeeper or a new hobbyist, we can provide you with the proper equipment and information you need to be a successful beekeeper.

In our beekeeping store, you’ll find the gear that you need to start your colony, care for it, and harvest its honey. We sell bee smokers, honey extractors, beekeeping clothing, beginner kits, and more.

master pollinator kit by Dadant & Sons

Beginner Beekeeping Kits

Our beginner beekeeping kits contain everything necessary for a new beekeeper to start their first colony of bees, except the bees themselves. Our Beginner’s kit # 1 includes a standard beehive with all of the inner hive workings and assembly instructions, hive tool, bee smoker, gloves, hat and veil combo plus the First Lessons in Beekeeping book.

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10 Frame Hive body by Dadant

10-Frame Equipment

The 10-frame bee hives are the industry standard. These boxes store more honey than the 8-frame boxes and provide more room for queens to lay, resulting in larger bee populations. Frame equipment is made into 3 standard sized boxes, 9 5/8” depth brood box, 6 5/8” Dadant super, and the shallow or 5 11/16” super.

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protective beekeeping suits by Dadant

Beekeeping Clothing

Dadant beekeeping suits, veils, jackets, hats and gloves are designed and constructed with the beekeeper in mind. Our ventilated suits and jackets are the finest in the beekeeping industry and the most ventilated bee suit on the market. We carry a number of sizes and styles to fit men, women and children of all sizes and shapes.

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The Latest Beekeeping News & Information from Dadant & Sons

Since 1863 beekeeping and honey bees has been our business. Our learning center and news are here to help you stay up to date on the latest beekeeping news and research, as well as the time-tested methods passed down to us over the past 150 plus years.

A counter full of honey jars with orange price stickers. The honey comes in different sizes, colors, and textures.

Creative Ways You Can Make Money Beekeeping

Beekeeping has been steadily gaining popularity in recent years. It’s more than a hobby; for many, it has become a rewarding way to reconnect with nature, support the environment, and even earn a living. The idea of working with buzzing hives may seem daunting at first, but it’s an incredibly fulfilling activity that can also be profitable. Whether you’re new …

A smiling beekeeper kneeling beside a beehive. He is wearing a suit, veil, and gloves and holding a smoker.

Beekeeping Mistakes Beginner Beekeepers Should Avoid

Beekeeping can be a rewarding and productive hobby, but it comes with its fair share of challenges, especially for beginners. Many aspiring beekeepers jump into this practice with good intentions but underestimate the complexities involved in maintaining a healthy, thriving bee colony. While the thought of harvesting golden honey and contributing to environmental sustainability is exciting, there are several common …

A single wooden beehive standing in a lush, green yard. There are small trees and a wooden fence behind it.

What Is Colony Collapse Disorder? What You Should Know

One of the biggest responsibilities of a beekeeper is understanding the kinds of dangers their hives face. From diseases and pests to environmental influences, there are plenty of factors to consider when creating a safe and healthy apiary for your honey bees. Over the years, researchers have learned a lot about some of the most common threats to bees and …

Dadant & Sons Beekeeping Supplies

Beekeeping & Honey Bees - Our Business Since 1863

Since 1863 the Dadant family has served the beekeeping industry by manufacturing essential beekeeping supplies and producing quality products from beeswax including decorative and religious candles. It was years before that in a small village in eastern France when Charles Dadant became interested in bees while helping a neighboring priest remove honey from straw skeps at the age of 12.

Educating beekeepers has been a priority of Dadant & Sons for generations, and our Learning Center provides ample information about how to care for your hive, expand it, prevent pests, and more. As industry experts, our team is readily available if you have questions about any of our beekeeping supplies. Contact us by calling (217) 847-3324 or emailing