The People’s Choice: Americans Would Pay to Help Monarch Butterflies

But Would They Pay to Help Honey Bees? Americans place high value on butterfly royalty. A recent study suggests they are willing to support monarch butterfly conservation at high levels, up to about 6 ½ billion dollars if extrapolated to all U.S. households. If even a small percentage of the population acted upon this reported willingness, the cumulative effort would likely translate …

That Allergic Reaction to Bee Stings? It’s Meant to Protect You

Allergic reactions to bee stings can be damaging or even deadly, but new evidence from two independent studies of mice reported in the Cell Press journal Immunity on October 24th suggest that the immune response to bee venom and other allergens actually evolved and may continue to serve as a protective defense mechanism. Perhaps they aren't just misdirected immune responses …

Groeb Farms Bankruptcy Claim Deadline Near

The attached Proof of Claim form, with instructions, has been put on the Chapter 11 bankruptcy website for Groeb Farms and also mailed to some parties on the List of Service.  Beekeepers who believe they have a claim for unpaid debts by Groeb Farms will need to file them by Nov. 4, 2013. The two attachments contain specific instructions. Groeb …

Oregon State University Updates Resources for Protecting Bees from Pesticides

CORVALLIS, Ore. – As the worldwide population of honey bees continues to decline, the Oregon State University Extension Service and partners have updated a tool for Pacific Northwest growers and beekeepers to reduce the impacts of pesticides on bees. The revision of OSU Extension's publication appears after an estimated 50,000 bumble bees died in a Wilsonville parking lot in June. The …

U.S. Beekeepers Urge Americans To Buy Source-Certified Honey

New logo supports food safety and security Washington, D.C. – October 15, 2013 – Facing continued decline in their bee colonies and shrinking honey harvests, U.S. beekeepers are urging U.S. consumers to take an easy step in helping preserve the domestic honey business and assure the quality of the honey they choose: Buy source-certified honey. “Just look for the ‘True Source Certified’ …

Monsanto Announces Clinton Global Initiative Commitment on Honey Bee Health

By Jerry Hayes Beeologics   My goal in life and work is continuous improvement. And, it has happened here since coming to Monsanto with lots of help from like-minded people who have really engaged and seen the vision of what Monsanto can offer to honey bee health. I’m a firm believer that everything should build on the previous effort. Back in June, we were …

Honey Shows No Advantages Compared to Standard Antibiotics in Trial on Patients with Kidney Failure

The research, which is the first time honey has been tested as an antibacterial agent in peritoneal dialysis, will disappoint clinicians who had hoped that honey might offer a better alternative to antibiotics for this procedure. Peritoneal dialysis is an important treatment for individuals with kidney failure, whereby a catheter is inserted into the peritoneum (the thin membrane which surrounds …

Evolutionary Question Answered: Ants More Closely Related to Bees Than to Most Wasps

by Kathy Keatley Garvey UC-Davis Dept. of Entomology & Nematology DAVIS--Ants and bees are surprisingly more genetically related to each other than they are to social wasps such as yellowjackets and paper wasps, a team of University of California, Davis scientists has discovered in ground-breaking research to be published Oct. 21 in the journal Current Biology. Using state-of-the-art genome sequencing and bioinformatics, the …