USDA Extends Deadline for the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program

WASHINGTON, July 31, 2014 — U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Juan M. Garcia announced today that the enrollment deadline for the 2012 and 2013 Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP) has been extended to Aug. 15, 2014. Originally, program sign-up was scheduled to end Aug. 1. The new deadline gives livestock, honeybee, …

Bees Able to Spot Which Flowers Offer Best Rewards Before Landing

Bumblebees are able to connect differences in pollen quality with floral features, like petal colour, and so land only on the flowers that offer the best rewards, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Exeter. Researchers have discovered that bumble bees are able to connect differences in pollen quality with floral features, like petal color, and so land …

Corn & Soy Neonicotinoids Found Widespread in Midwest Rivers — USGS News

Insecticides similar to nicotine, known as neonicotinoids, were found commonly in streams throughout the Midwest, according to a new USGS study. This is the first broad-scale investigation of neonicotinoid insecticides in the Midwestern United States and one of the first conducted within the United States. Effective in killing a broad range of insect pests, use of neonicotinoid insecticides has dramatically increased …

National Honey Board Announces Availability of 2014 National Honey Month Press Kits

Firestone, Colo., July 16, 2014 –The National Honey Board (NHB) is pleased to announce that again this year,  they will be providing press kits to the honey industry in order to promote September as National Honey Month. September has been recognized as National Honey Month in an effort to celebrate this all-natural wonder and its many benefits. The press kit, …

How Honey Bees Stay Cool

MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. – Honey bees, especially the young, are highly sensitive to temperature and to protect developing bees, adults work together to maintain temperatures within a narrow range. Recently published research led by Philip T. Starks, a biologist at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences, is the first to show that worker bees dissipate excess heat within a hive …

Radio Frequency ID Tags on Honey Bees Reveal Hive Dynamics

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Scientists attached radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags to hundreds of individual honey bees and tracked them for several weeks. The effort yielded two discoveries: Some foraging bees are much busier than others; and if those busy bees disappear, others will take their place. The findings are reported in the journal Animal Behaviour. Tagging the bees revealed that about 20 percent of the foraging …

USDA Provides Aid to 73,000 Rural Californians Impacted by Drought

USDA News Release FARMERSVILLE, Calif., July 18, 2014 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced USDA is providing $9.7 million in emergency water assistance to 73,000 residents in 11 California counties experiencing the driest year on record. "This drought is devastating those who live, work and raise their families in much of rural California," Vilsack said. "It is threatening the survival of …

Scientists Track Gene Activity When Honey Bees Do and Don’t Eat Honey

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Many beekeepers feed their honey bees sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup when times are lean inside the hive. This practice has come under scrutiny, however, in response to colony collapse disorder, the massive -- and as yet not fully explained -- annual die-off of honey bees in the U.S. and Europe. Some suspect that inadequate nutrition plays …