USDA Provides Greater Protection for Fruit, Vegetable and Other Specialty Crop Growers

Free Basic Coverage Plans and Premium Discounts Available for New, Underserved and Limited Income Farmers WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2014 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that greater protection is now available from the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program for crops that traditionally have been ineligible for federal crop insurance. The new options, created by the 2014 Farm Bill, provide greater coverage …

Should the Agricultural Use of Neonicotinoids Be Banned?

by Kathy Keatley Garvey UC-Davis Dept. of Entomology and Nematology A team of entomology graduate students from the University of California, Davis, successfully argued at the Entomological Society of America's recent student debates that a ban on the insecticides in agriculture “will not improve pollinator health or restore populations, based on current science. Neonicotinoids are important for control of many significant agricultural …

Helping Beekeepers in Ethiopia

As you are interested in bees? This season we are asking you to support the poorest people in Ethiopia - to utilize beekeeping to alleviate their poverty. Bees for Development is the leading beekeeping charity working to address the dual concerns of poverty and environmental damage in the developing world, all with the help of honey bees.  We have recently …

“A Little Dab Will Do Ya” – Propolis Promotes Hair Growth in Mice

Hair loss can be devastating for the millions of men and women who experience it. Now scientists are reporting that propolis might contain clues for developing a potential new therapy. They found that propolis encouraged hair growth in mice. The study appears in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Ken Kobayashi and colleagues note that propolis is a resin-like material …

Holiday Entertaining with Honey!

Courtesy of the National Honey Board We are in the midst of the holiday season and we want to make sure that honey is your secret weapon when entertaining friends and family! Honey’s versatility is endless and can span your entire holiday menu because its unique flavor complements both sweet and savory dishes. When adding honey to appetizers, entrees, desserts or even …