Jazz is Music to His Ears, But So Are the Bees

Kathy Keatley Garvey UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology He's been beekeeping and playing the clarinet for 69 years. Meet Norman Gary, a UC Davis emeritus professor of entomology who retired in 1994 after a 32-year academic career.  As an apiculturist and researcher, he authored scores of peer-reviewed publications, and most recently wrote a how-to-book, The Honey Bee Hobbyist: the Care and Keeping …

Honey Bee Health Coalition Unveils Videos to Help Beekeepers Combat Devastating Parasites

Videos Complement Coalition’s Tools for Varroa Management Guide, Provides Step-By-Step Demonstrations of Utilizing an Integrated Pest Management Strategy of Monitoring, Treatment [KEYSTONE, Colorado, Dec. 1, 2016] — The Honey Bee Health Coalition released a series of videos today to help beekeepers promote colony health and combat costly and destructive Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) infestations. The videos can be found on the …